Benfits of upgraded connectors

I've been looking into upgrading/changing my ic's and of course have noticed that many mfg's offer and charge for "premium" connectors.
Is there a sonic benefit with these connectors? For example, will an upgraded Cardas connector sound better than a standard RCA connector on the same cable?
I wonder what Elizabeth finds so funny. It has been my experience that the connectors are a significant contributor to the sound of the cable. Again, as I have said before in other posts, you must try all cable in YOUR system to evaluate its worth for you.
I agree with Stringreen. The connectors have a large impact on how a cable performs, and many times it is the connectors that affect the sound more than the cable itself. The best connector is no connector, but not very practical. There are many other variables that will determine the actual benefit to a system, but in general better connectors will sound better. Lower resistance, better conduction, different alloys. etc.
Along the line of Greh's question, because the Male AC Plugs and IEC Connectors on my Kabala-Sosna Expression PC’s are not high end, I’ve been thinking about re-terminating one of the PC’s with either an Oyaide or Wattgate product. Anyone think that’ll improve things for the better?
It makes the cable's personality more obvious as it permits a cleaner passing of the signal, providing that has high purity (not Brass) & as few as possible metal parts (not heavy solid bars but hollow tubes) that are direct Gold plated (avoiding the intermediate Nickel plating) or Solid Silver .
Even the quality of the solder matters !
But I think it is not more significant than the cable's conductors at least at Interconnects & Speaker cables as I've had experienced so far.
After all, the manufacturer voiced it's cable with the particular connector that sells it. And certainly it is not adviced to desolder & replace them.
If your cable is available in bulk, you can pre order it with your favorit RCA plugs or you may attempt to proceed by your soldering skills.
On Power cables they say the connectors are of a much more concern & can manage to completely transform the cable's sound ! But I'll have to make my search about this.
Elizabeth just might be right when it comes to the laugh dept. Good connectors keep your gear safe from frayed wire if you go bare when connecting speaker cables.As far as better male or females when it comes to ic's just buy a good basic plug from Cardas if there your supplier of choice. And don't fall for all the hype like different metal's such as rhodium, nickel or copper and brass over platinum and Gold etc etc? I honestly don't think even a bat would be able to hear the difference if there was one..OK I can feel the daggers coming out..