Power cord replacement where first?

Hoping someone will help determine which component deserves first power cord upgrade( most benificial). Prima Luna Prologue 2, music hall cd25 or old kenwood receiver everythings connected with audio art ic3. Looking at Kimber PK14 as my first PC upgrade.

There are lots of thoughts and opinions on this. From doing a a quick search in the forum archives in older threads members said they used PK14 on their CDP and/or DACs. Some say you should put your best cord on your source as everything starts there. Others will say different. I'd start at the source. Do you have the PK14 already? You can experiment and see which will work too.

Good luck
Your integrated's presentation has an effect on EVERYTHING flowing through the system. Any improvement there, would be most beneficial.
I would ask which of the products, if any, came with an adequate cord. Are any of the ones you have closest to the mark? Maybe some are in greater need of an upgrade than others? Or are you asking: Assuming the same fair but not great cord for each, which upgrade would have the most marginal benefit (i.e., bang for the buck)?

Slightly off topic, but I have purchased about 8-10 cords over the past 3-4 years. I have found almost no correlation between cost and quality (however subjectively determined). For example, there is a great cord from a company called Tube Audio Design which sells a great and usable cord for $30 (discounted heavily). I have paid $350 for a "better" brand and not liked it much. Very hard to quantify.

PS I've no affiliation with the co. referenced. Only contact was buying the item with my PayPal acct.