AQ Speaker Cables: Gibraltar vs. Mont Blanc?

I am trying to choose between Audioquest's Mont Blanc & Gibraltar speaker cables. The Mont Blanc's have been discontinued, so it's hard to get a read on how they compare. Can anyone give me a sense of which is the better cable?

I am contemplating a single bi-wire set up - quad connectors at the amp & dual at the speakers. Would either of these cables be better suited for this set-up?
This question is almost impossible to answer. You need to listen to them with YOUR components since either one could be better than the other depending on your system. I would not want to spend any money at all without listing to the cable in question. Try to borrow as many cables as you can and determine your best for yourself. I would also take advantage of the money back guarantees from Anti-Cable, Morrow, and any others that you can find.
Yeah, thanks, that's the obvious reply - & I certainly would audition them if I could. But that's not possible, which is why I am asking for feedback from people who may have had the chance to listen to them both. My question was relative, about people's perception of the two cables, not how they would sound in my system.
I liked the Mont Blanc by a large margin, it sounded very similar to the Volcano the top of the copper cables, just not as large a sound.
if you are going to biwire them, the gibraltar will work better, as it was designed to be a single biwire cable. mont blanc, run full range may "better" gibraltar, but not if you use it as a single biwire.

if you are buying from a reputable aq dealer, they should be able to steer you in the right direction.
I own the Gibraltar DBS 72v, single biwire cable (2 spades on the amp end, 4 spades on the speaker end).

Sweet sound, smooth and refined, I'm thinking of an upgrade with the Oak, the best copper cable in Aq's catalog.

Never audiotioned a Mont Blanc, sorry ...