Can you hear matched power cables?

I recently read some Shunyata marketing material on the Venom 3s which posited that an audio system should have a matched set of power cables (V3s, of course). I have a couple of (really heavy) Virtual Dynamics cables, a Pangea 9, and a couple of cables delivered with the components. I'd like to upgrade those remaining generic cables, and wonder what the difference is between a mixed set and matched set of cables. I can't really hear any difference when I switch my current fat cables around.

The question becomes, is it worth replacing the Virtual Dynamics and generic cables with Pangeas, or replacing all cables with V3s, or just get a couple of either the Pangeas or V3s to replace the generic cables?

I'd be interested in hearing your experiences with this. Of course, my ears will tell the story, and some companies will let a buyer return a cable, so tell me what you discovered.
I disagree that evaluation of a system is best done with the same power cords. I have made sets of power cords using acrolink cable but with Furutech F1 ends, and Oyeida ends. I have an all Ayre sytem except for the speakers which are Vandersteen 5A's. It seems that the amp likes the Furutech ends while the other components like the Oyeida ends. If I switch, there is a definite polish off the edge. I say that you must try each power cord in the component with which it is to be used.
hi cm jones:

your question is a vriant of:

should a stereo system feature one brand of cable or is mix and match a viable alternative ?

this subject has appeared on other threads.

i think the simple answer is your ears.

own any cable that produces a sound you like , regardless of brand.