Inexpensive speaker cable for Merlin

I tried to find a thread that would cover the topic of inexpensive speaker cables, but couldn't find any.
Any cable under $500 that works well for the Merlin MME's.
Soon to be had with master bam.
Hi Pedrillo

Keep in mind that you have invested in a highly resolving musical loudspeaker and are about to have it updated with the master bam which I haven't heard but I'm sure is a significant refinement. What I see here, especially in your budget area, are cables that may be hit or miss. You really don't know without listening and if you can, ESPECIALLY being on a budget, listen before committing. If you don't, this could end up costing you a lot more than your original budget. I have owned these speakers for 10 years and am giving this advice through my experience.

Why do you think people are constantly changing cables and powercords? Either one of two reasons,1) they want to try something different because they can or 2) They are searching for something "better" typically because there is still something missing. Keep that in mind and choose carefully unless you're interested in joining the flavor of the month club. It can get there faster than you think, been there done that. Keep the money in your pocket until you feel comfortable with your decision.

General rule of thumb is stay with copper but there are a few silver cables that are proven to work with this speaker. TG Audio is one, from what I've read, the others are beyond your budget. I'm not sure if Bobby is currently recommending any silver cables with his speakers but I wouldn't think the TG Audio would in any way be objectionable. The following are a brief list of i.c. and cables I've tried. There are numerous inexpensive combinations I've tried with little success. Its easier to get it close the first time.

AudioResearch Litz
Harmonic Technology Truthlink and Pro Silway
Luminous Audio
Miller Sound
Stereovox (currently using throughout my system)Infortunately they are expensive but they really brought it all together for me and I have absolutely no desire to look for something better which is a very good thing! They've been in the system over 6 years.

P.S. I forgot the Analysis Plus, I would steer clear especially the silver. I used the Oval 9 copper and ultimately they were just ok though great at the time, see what I mean?
I tried Supra Sword ICs with my Merlin TSM mmi monitors. Nothing to write home about -- until I put them in series with 2 other high end XLR ICs. They elevated the other 2 ICs beyond my expectations. I would never go back to using the Sword ICs alone. For me using them in series is the only way to go.