Cardas Cold Forging

Has anyone tried the new Cardas option to have their speaker cable and connectors cold forged, making for a solid connection with no "connective" points with solder, etc. Sounds good in theory for line transmission, but can you hear any difference? If so what? I'm using Cardas Golden Reference.
A very good question, given the importance of the golden ratio. It did always bother me that my friend the electrical engineer thought I was crazy when I explained my cable choices for my equipment. He did not think that all cables sounded the same, but the capacitance/inductance/resistance parameters were easily understood and designed for. He bought radio shack with gold connectors.
Hi, thanks JFrech. Yes I had my GR speaker cables reterminated using Cardas' new process. The difference was not subtle. I noticed a much smoother, slightly more transparent sound. The cost was $400 plus shipping which I think is quite reasonable. I highly recommend doing it, especially if your system is of sufficient resolving power, which yours definitely seems to be.
You really think 400 bucks to reterminate is reasonable?? That is highway robbery for a few spades.

"cold forging" has been done by numerous companies for some time. its nothing new.
Saves money. The idea of these terminals was to save the industry money, with these solderless terminals. It takes more time to solder, plus better silver solder costs more. The inside of most amps speaker wire will be soldered right behind the speaker terminal. Plus all of the terminations in the amps, preamps, and rest of the gear. This (adding solderless to soldered) might go against what is called synergy.
I would venture to say the only perfect solder connection would be made with pure silver or smelting both the conductor and connector material together. Either process would be expensive. But I still think cold forging is bs since is doesn't actually fuse the metal. Kinda need a little heat for that.