Cardas Cold Forging

Has anyone tried the new Cardas option to have their speaker cable and connectors cold forged, making for a solid connection with no "connective" points with solder, etc. Sounds good in theory for line transmission, but can you hear any difference? If so what? I'm using Cardas Golden Reference.
it is funny to me that all the talk is forging wire to spade, when just a centimeter later, that spade connects to binding post by a metal on metal contact, pressed together, sometimes ill fitting, sometimes not-- and, not only this, but that binding post was soldered to a wire by a guy, who, deadened by hours of inhaling lead fumes, is half thinking about lunch, half thinking about taking a dump. Do you ever look at some of the solder connections in your amp? Seriously. Or in your speakers? Not exactly NASA quality connections in there..
Tedbaron & Tpreaves- You guys are on a slippery slope! The next step is to eliminate the $200 audiofile approved AC outlet because its attached w a screw to 100' or so of Home Depot el cheapo Romex. Before you know it, AudioAsylum will cancel your account and the teleportation guy won't take your phone calls when you need an upgrade ;~)
That teleportation stuff is for real. I called them last night and my stereo morphed into the Rolling Stones !!!!! Wait a sec, it might have been the purple microdot !!!!!
i have three purple microdots on each speaker, and i still can't hear a difference. must be doing something wrong.