Lowrider, I use an iMac for ripping CDs to iTunes using Apple's lossless CODEC; from there, I sync to the iPod. For playback I'm using the inexpensive (here's where my biggest problem might be) Gigaware docking station as an experiment into the server world. Before the dock I tried using the headphone jack out to the preamp and that was pretty unacceptable.
One of the recommendations that I read was to use a DAC between the dock and the preamp and, although I have been a fan of their use, based on the deficiencies that I've experienced so far, I don't think that would help. I already have 3 DAC's which I've used in the past to attenuate or soften some of the brightness that I find uncomfortable but, because the sound I'm missing has mostly to do with detail or resolution in the upper frequencies, it seems that a DAC might exacerbate the problem.
From what I've read here, the Wadia 170i would likely be an improvement over the dock that I'm currently using and after a little more research it will likely be my next step.
I don't pretend to have the best ear in the world for judging sound quality especially where differences are subtle but, in this case, the difference in sound quality from CD to iPod are obvious even to me. Like I mentioned, though, I'm going to opt for the server approach in some form even if it's only for background listening.
I would like to reiterate that I'm in no way implying that use of the iPod as a server is not a good choice. It's just that I've been trying for over 50 years to achieve what I have now, which is a system that better suits my listening than nearly all past attempts regardless of name brand or expense. After all the time, money and effort, I want to minimize compromise as much as economically feasible.