Interconnects: solid or hollow core wire?

Which makes for better interconnects, all else being equal, single core or hollow core wire? Thin or thick gauge? Experience first, theory second!
So now it's "Expanded Core?" Most of my cables, according to the mfgr description, are "soft core". "Hard core" cables are tawdry. Note that silver plated carrots can be used as "veggie core" and plated animal parts strung together are "meat core". Avoid "molten core" as they can burn a hole in your rug.
I've experienced the most emotional connection to music in my home with solid core wire. DNM, Crimson. Those cables beat out the Kimber Select, and Nordost Tyrs that I USED to use.
Devilboy, interesting. What specific sonic qualities have solid core given you that stranded haven't been able to?
I agree with Devilboy, the Crimson musiclink cables are one of the very best bargains on the market right now !...