Do Interconnects need to "warm up"?

My system is left on most of the time and sometimes on standby. I noticed that when I first start to listen the sound is a bit bright. All of my IC's are balanced and single ended Silver Streaks, the components are Krell. It seems to take almost a half hour before the system seems to calm down where it then sounds smooth and sweet. So I was wondering, is it possible that IC's may need to warm up as some equipment does - your thoughts? Thanks!
System refresher disc? Wow...I play music through my rig all day (if I'm home) so when guests arrive they have a warmed up system to ignore while I bore the crap out of them describing how cool it all is. Then I change the belt on my Linn to the 45 spool and force them to listen to a single I played on from 1981 that was released only in Japan.
06-11-11: Wolf_garcia
System refresher disc? Wow...I play music through my rig all day (if I'm home) so when guests arrive they have a warmed up system to ignore while I bore the crap out of them describing how cool it all is."

Hey, we have the same friends!"
Oh Wolf you crack me up. I try to describe my system to some of my party guests and they look at me like I'm crazy. They are either bored or thinking why didn't I just buy something from Bose to keep it simple.

I pretty much listen to the same kind music all the time and don't have different kinds/genres of music so I think I often am not working out my speakers enough in the other frequency ranges so I got the Isotek System Refresher Disk to make sure I'm covered. (I can picture you all laughing at me now)

Here is a link about it if you want to know more info.
Yes, everything sounds better after being played awhile. FYI, pure silver cables are not the most musical choice:O)