Vandersteen and NOT BI WIRE---Your thoughts

I have the Quatro's---powered by CJ ET 250 S and ET 5 Pre--in spite of the advice from many, I find that speakers simply sound cleaner with high end speaker wire, and bridging to the bass. I'd love to hear the thoughts of others. My current set up sounds clean and clear in the mid---no muddiness--in between with the bass--generally better sound. (previous bi wire was Audio Comets) And I'm really liking it. Would welcome all input as I'm searching for the best speaker wire that would bring out the best in these speakers-- pro or con and advice related to bringing system to "next level"--thanks--
I had Goertz MI-2 bi-wire and switched to VH Audio CHeLA "single runs" and have been very happy. I don't see anything missing and have not really thought about getting another set.
Vandys aren't current-hungry speakers so less-likely would benefit from biwireing. Biamping is more likely the binding posts are for.
Vandersteen himself recommends bi-wiring, and not bi-amping. For a discussion of the worth and results of bi-wiring dial up the Vandersteen website. The best results are for seperate plus and minus cables which translate to 4 cables for each speaker. The cables that are 2 on the amp end and then split to 4 on the speaker end are not nearly so good.
I have Vandersteen 5s and use what is commonly referred to as Double Bi-Wire (DBW). To be honest, I've never considered anything else, because as Stringreen says, it's what Vandersteen recommends. I've spoken with Richard V (once) and in that conversation got an impression of a no-nonsense guy who gives good advice. Specifically, I asked a question that implied having to spend more dough, and essentially was told, "save your money." Given that perspective, I don't think he'd recommend DBW if he didn't feel there was a distinct advantage. . . but I reiterate I haven't tested the alternative! Been perfectly happy with a pair of Audioquest Pikes Peaks.