Do powercords make a difference in sound?

Do they make a difference by upgrading stock power cords in amps, ect versus aftermarket power cords? If so, can anyone advise a good bang for the buck upgrade?
I am truly sorry but I simply do not subscribe to your accessment. I mean no offense. I am sticking to my guns that properly designed power supplies do not require fancy power cords. I do not disrespect your opinion, I simply do not hold the same opinion. I have designed power supplies for a living and fully believe that I, during my career, have designed more than a few that can allieviate the effects that would cause detriment to audio reproduction.
I mean no ill will, we simply disagree.
Liguy - Have you done any in depth listening/comparison with some good aftermarket power cords or is your "opinion" purely theory based?
Liguy: "power supplies do not require fancy power cords" Your statement maybe true for equipment to function however it does not eliminate the possibility of after market cords providing change in sound good our bad. Is this not what the original question refers to?
Liguy, I certainly can conceive of a power supply that show no response to what power cord is used to connect to the wall outlet, but I have not heard one apparently. I do have a question, however. How did you choose a power cord to use on these supplies? I mean that sincerely also. Did you just choose something from Radio Shack or did you make a power cord and use the same one on all the supplies you made?

I can certain conceive of a power cord that would have poor capability to pass the needed current. Equally I cannot imagine the design principles that would guarantee the very best power cord. I have made shotgunned multi-strand power cords that were more than 2 inches thick and too cumbersome to use easily and which didn't sound any better than those half as thick. I have also heard very expensive power cords that were not exceptional. And I remember once when a Radio Shack pc which I owned so embarrassed the manufacturer of a very expensive silver power cord that they bought several and reverse engineered it to make their "improved" power cord.
Liguy, I would like to know which audiophile components you have supplied designs for power supplies. I am assuming, of course, that you refer to designing power supplies for audiophile components. If not, then your entire discussion of the non-necessity of aftermarket cords or their ability to change the sound is invalid.

Now, if you are getting technical on us, and have run tests with various power supplies in said component and not been able to hear a difference, then you may have a point. I have not ripped out and replaced power supplies in components to judge whether solely a PS is effected by the various power cords. However, in absolutely EVERY component I have ever used, with power supplies which the manufacturers I'm sure feel are optimized to the components, the components have been altered sonically via power cords. Besides, it's not very easy to listen to a power supply sans the rest of the electronics; so in the narrow sense your argument is a moot point.

I have, however, conducted tests of actual audiophile power supplies (i.e. filters, power factor correction units, etc.) and found that EVERY single one of them is also influenced by power cords. So, I have serious reservations about your claim that a properly designed PS is not able to be influenced sonically by a variety of power cords.

It's not a matter of operation vs. inoperation, but more like mixed drinks. If I want a rum and coke, do I count the atoms to make sure the mix is ok? There are many "flavors" of Rum and coke. Simliarly, there are "flavors" of power cords, all of which are slightly different in their electrical properties. Sorry, your measurements will not show this. :( You'll just have to trust us on that. I know that can be difficult for a theoretical kind of guy. ;)

Unless, of course, you wish to conduct some simple, not too expensive informal testing, which I think would show you, in say about two to ten seconds, that I'm right. :)