09-08-11: Drubin
the fact that audio equipment makers are not shipping product using these "upmarket" power cords tell me that the people who actually make audio equipment aren't buying into these assertions.
All you'd have to do is visit a high-end audio show for a few minutes to see that your assertion is patently untrue. They don't ship their products with upmarket cords because of what it will do the price of the products, but many many of them chose to use those cords when they demonstrate their products.
surely you don't believe what you wrote: "because of what it (upmarket power cords) will do (sic) the price of the products"?!? i mean, if you're a "value" purchaser, you probably aren't buying high end audio. when a company claims that their "reference" products incorporate "price not object" design choices, do you *really* believe that they would cut corners on the power cords because of what it would to the price of the "cost no object" product?