Purist Audio Speaker cable question

Can anyone tell me their experience with PAD speaker cable and what you get as you move up the line? Thinking of the Venustas, Corvus or Proteus Provectus?
Other than the Proteus Provectus, which has solid conductors, the rest of the Purist line (as you go up the model range) varies as follows:
1.) Conductors: total wire gauge (AWG = American Wire Gauge)) as caluclated for EACH conductor (signal, signal return, and ground) increases. This applies to IC's, speaker cables, and power cords.
2.) Conductor material: As you go up the model range, the metallurgy of the conductors becomes more sophisticated, eventually incorporating alloys of gold, silver, and copper in various combinations.
3.) Conductor topology: refers to the number of conductors (and insulators/separators) and the complexity of their arrangement within the jacket. Both increase as you go up the model range.
4.) Regarding the Fluid, Ferox, and Contego attributes:
a. -- Fluid (only,) makes the most managable cable (of the three) especially speaker cables and power cords. It provides good mechanical damping (conductors vibrate when they carry a signal) and (less important) isolation from airborne or floor vibration.
b. -- Ferox is a kind of 'paste' made of iron oxide, In addition to providing the mechanical attributes of fluid jacketing, it offers additional EMI/RFI shielding. The downsides are: heavy and not as 'bendable' as fluid alone, and the proximity of such a mass of iron-bearing material would have to affect the inductance properties of the cable. IIRC, some people who have extensive experience with both, say the Ferox cables are a wee bit darker sonically. Not an issue with my system ;--)
c. -- Contego: is a mixture of the two as I understand it, and presumably provides some of the features of both, i.e. manageabiliy AND shielding.

One quality all Purist owners mention, regardless of model, it the utterly SILENT background of PAD cables (most important with IC's of course.) I feel this is due to the way the jacket material absorbs (internal) mechanical vibration (from the conductors.) Further, the fact that the jacket diameter gets larger and larger as you go up the model line, is more than affectation, since larger conductors need more mechanical damping.

I still think the Venustas cables represent the most VALUE in the Purist line; in as much as it incorporates MODERATELY sophisticated conductors (both the metals, and the topology/layout) combined with enough jacket material to provide good mechanical damping and that super-quiet background.

Hope that helps in understanding the how/why of the inreasing complexity of the various cables' construction as you go up the model line.
I just checked their website and proteus is now absent-looks like discontinued. Only fluid cable I see now is Poseidon. For the record I own Venustas praesto revision and I agree it is probably their best value in the entire line. It is a great sounding cable and has been around forever-probably why Jim keeps it going. why mess with something that works, right? To my ears you cant go wrong with it.
Hello dear fellows.I tell my experience with the PAD Musaeus praesto and PAD Aqueous 20th anniversary biwire speakers cables, which is the one I`m actually using in my system. I agree about the dark background, more evident in the Aqueous version.Comparing Aqueous to Musaeus, the differences are more extention, better silences,fuller and tighter basses, ,bigger voices with velvety character and of course soundstage yes; beautiful soundstage with every instrument in its place.At the moment Aqueous is the best cable I`ve ever had.It utilizes Contego as shielding material, Musaeus has ferox instead.I haven`t tried Venustas yet but I suspect it will be a good upgrade to make in future.Question:has anybody compared Aqueous 20th anniversary with Venustas praestro??....For the record I use in my system PAD Maximus as inteconnets( fluid cables) and PAD Musaeus as power cable.
Hope this helps.Cheers.Raf
I've had an all Musaeus system until a lightening strike fried the works. I always liked the deep, weightier, darker Musaeus sound. After auditioning lots of speaker cables from Cable Company, I ended up with a similar but even better Voodoo speaker cable for about the price of the Musaeus's.

It still has an even more cavernous bass depth that very well articulated, with better sparkle and detail on top, much better imaging, air and an even blacker background (maybe due to the cryo treatment).

But what I like more than anything is the very organic live sound. Unlike any other cable I've heard in the price range, you close your eyes and the performers sound like they're in the room and not playing through electronics.

These are the Voodoo Evolutions for around $1000 for 8 feet. There are several levels above and below these, but it's hard for me to image how they could be improved.

If you like the PAD sound (which i always have) definitely audition the Voodoo line. It felt like moving up significantly from the Museaus's without spending more.