@ Knghifi: But from your answer mate, I gather you don't totally disagree with me about this Sabai chap who keeps going on and on about his HD cables?
Kinda getting monotonous to hear how great cables are from the same 3 or 4 chaps isn't it? Bit of a circle jerk ain't it?
Hey Charles, no worries, I was just asking if you were pretending to be an end-user like that other guy does! If you aren't, I apologize for the question. If you are, well, then you are in the same boat as others on this forums.
What we need is a torpedo to get rid of THOSE guys!
Kinda getting monotonous to hear how great cables are from the same 3 or 4 chaps isn't it? Bit of a circle jerk ain't it?
Hey Charles, no worries, I was just asking if you were pretending to be an end-user like that other guy does! If you aren't, I apologize for the question. If you are, well, then you are in the same boat as others on this forums.
What we need is a torpedo to get rid of THOSE guys!