Biwire jumpers as speaker cables?

Assuming that I have monoblocks for power amps and they can be placed fairly close to speakers, can biwire jumpers be used as speaker cables?

Thx for your opinions.

Why not ? IMHO though I think 7 ft is about the minimum for any given cable to sound its best.
Thanks for the encouragement.

I am thinking of monoblocks for reasons like better channel separation, (hopefully) better dynamic, etc. But then many audiophiles subscribe to the Long IC/Short SC scheme, and I think, why not take it a bit to the limit? Jumpers are probably the shortest commercially available speaker wires. Besides, this scheme may represent an opportunity to have expensive cables in more reachable prices, e.g. JPS Aluminata, $500 for jumnpers vs. $6600 for the cables.
You can always make cables shorter,longer not so easy,
To me would depend on price of jumpers.
I guess this would be possible but I've only seen short jumpers. At most 12". If somehow you could get your amp that close to a speaker wouldn't you then have vibration issues with the speaker being so close to the amp when music is playing?
I have a couple of monoblocks coming in by the end of the week. If I place them back side facing speakers' backs, 6 in jumper would make it, according to measurements. I am not sure if I would have difficulty with ic and pc, though.

At this point. I don't think vibration would be an issue. Of course. I would know when music plays...