sound difference MIT ORACLE AC1 vs ELROD vs PURIST

I am thinking to select one of the three on title.
i would like to know your suggestions on sound differences, if any.
my system is: mac mini/Cary 306 SACD as transports.
MIT M2 Speaker cables

I echo the experience Caliaripaolo had. I have my EPS-2 signature from a dedicated line to my Signature DU-2 wired in ballanced mode and my other EPS-2 is from my Signal DU-5 to my amp. The neutral balance and weight of the music was very nice. It also opened up the soundstage quite a bit.
Dynamics are better also. More attack.
From what I understand, The Statement series is even better. I'm very pleased with the EPS-2's. I'm waiting for a EPS-3 to show up used to go to my amp.
dear Highend4me, as you know hi-end is like "esoteric". You "feel" sometimes the music instead to "hear" the music. I was skeptical that a power cord, was able to change the sound. It is obvious that if you listen to music while running in the house or clean the floors, you can hardly appreciate all the sound harmonics that a system can give you. I agree with you that we are talking about subtleties, but the sum of these make a system more engaging. One important gear of my system is this new Elrod cable.
The Statement Gold PCs dig into all aspects of the music; they also inject a life and energy that took me by complete surprise. Pacing, imaging, tonality and other aspects took a large leap forward with Elrod's various offerings in my system...
Zephyr24069, I see in your system (which is great) you use all Elrod's cables. I have all spectral gears so MIT cables are the best I ever heard. May you describe the improvement you found introducing interconnecting cables?
I have been through many mid-high end cable transitions over the years and had read and talked to several people who had extremely good things to say about Elrod PCs. My cable transitions going back several years have been a series of very good experiences where I gained many improvements in key aspects of the system. After a year or longer with a given PC or speaker cable or interconnect, my listening experience would 'plateau' and I would experiment again.

I had heard the Statement Gold PC latest generations of cables were a design breakthrough that added even more energy and realism to the listening experience together with the PCs digging even deeper in into the music in every way. I had also heard that Elrod had made breakthroughs in interconnect and speaker cable designs.

The Statement Gold PCs added incredible energy and depth to the system and expanded the sound stage and full range of the system. It was very impressive to begin with; they added incredible 'life' to the system. The Signature Gold speaker cables showed me just how much the Focus SE speakers are capable of and pushed out the boundaries of my room even further and deeper than ever before in combination with the PCS. The interconnects gave the final mile in terms of adding incredible sound stage additional depth, breadth, width and height as well as refinement. They also in combination with everything else gave me micro-dynamics and even more "life" and realism in what I am hearing. It's very hard to describe in a few sentences all the changes these cords have made in the system as whole...