component where PC does not make a difference

Has anyone ever had a component whose sound did not change significantly (or at all) with changes in power cords? I have found that different power cords don't really affect the sound of my amp (ARC VS60), but differences among those same power cords are revealed when hooking them to my DAC (ARC DAC7). Is that representative of tube amps in general or perhaps just this component? Would you expect that the differing "sonic traits" of various power cords would be better revealed on a DAC than a (tube) amp?
10-07-11: Rockitman

10-06-11: Bombaywalla

yes, the power cord going to my AC regenerator does not make any diff in the system's overall sonics.

This makes sense to me since the incoming power (via the hi-end PC) is completely regenerated so any sonic benefits from the incoming power cord are lost when the power is cleaned, massaged and re-amplified.
I am sorry guys, I have to retract/eat my statement that power cords to the AC regenerator do not make a diff. They do! I was full of it when I wrote that post! ;(
When I did some research as to how AC regenerators work I came to conclusion that AC power cords do make a diff + I actually do have a good power cord connected to my PS300.
When I did some research as to how AC regenerators work I came to conclusion that AC power cords do make a diff + I actually do have a good power cord connected to my PS300.
One possible explanation that comes to mind would be that the shielding of an upgraded cord would prevent rfi or other high frequency garbage which may be produced by the regenerator's power supply from escaping and coupling from the power cord to other points in the system. Similar to one of the major reasons that a shielded power cord can be beneficial on a power amplifier.

Best regards,
-- Al
Jazzgene - after experimenting with a few more power cords on my VS60, I agree with you that the VS60 is sensitive to the power cord. I guess the particular ones that I was swapping in and out back then just so happened to all be sonically similar.
I enjoy very good power cords by any company, the problem I have run into, you have to spend a significant amount of money these days to hear a profound performance increase, and of course this all depends on the cable maker, I also can add that I have heard some exspensive power cords that ruined a sound of a given system, that said, this is why all this is a gamble to find system synergy for a system, what may be profound on my system, when it comes to power cords, may not be good for some one elses system, cheers.
I think that some brands make more change than another brands instead if it is an integrated or preamp or a DAC. Equipmento with more improvement with power cord change that I tested: Accuphase and Sony. Minor changes: Marantz
Insignificant changes: Harman Kardon