Preamp-power amp interconnectors advice

I have a Nakamichi CA-7A preamp that feeds into the power amp section of a Luxman R-117 receiver. In this setup, highs and upper midrange are a bit bright while lower midrange and bass are not as strong as I would like them to be.

The CA-7A and Luxman are now connected with an Atlas Equator MK II cables that are considered “neutral”. If I use silver cables instead, the sound is very harsh and bass/lower midrange almost disappear. This leads me to suggestion that a cable that is a bit on the “dark” side, or the one with bass/lower midrange sonic signature, might be the best for this setup.

Any recommendations on such a cable with the price around $100-150 used?

Thank you,
I think he is listening, but we just threw too much of an authority at the man, and naturally he doesn't like it. Who would?
If you're planning on upgrading the amp and/or preamp anytime soon I'd personally skip this step and focus on getting the components right. However, if that's not going to happen for a while and you're just looking to find a way to live happier with this setup you might stretch your budget a bit and try the Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference. The original version (i.e. not the Reference II) would probably work best since they're quite a bit more laid back in the treble and richer and fuller in the mids and bass. And they're probably a little cheaper than the Matrix Reference II if you can find them. Looks like they can be had for $250 - $300 used, and if they don't work you can probably sell them fairly easily for little or no loss. Best of luck.