New Esoteric P02 D02


Seems like there is a new set up separates from Esoteric. The P02 D02. Hven't seen any info out there at all, but it is for sale already at retailers. Not a substitute of the P03 D03 as expected, that are still selling as well, but a new category in between de 01s and 03s. DACs and inputs seem like an upgrade of the K01.

Anyone has any info, or heard of this? You can read about it at Esoteric parent company home page (in Japan but in English).

Price in Europe is 3.000 Euros higher than the 03s per unit (so +6000 EUros higher in total)

Any feedback, info news?

A piano? You have to hear a solo piano with the 02s. Upper is more natural. Easy to hear the difference

Piano is my favorite, and violin is the other instrument that is really telling what the audio system can do.

This said, maybe you'd consider a shootout between the P02/D02 and NWO-MS? Just let me know when and I'll be there.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Was curious if any one knows how p02 d02 compares to the unaffordable dcs scarlatti - as dcs is the player of choice for most companies at shows such as CES?
I tried Dsc some time ago. It was good but I don't think it was better than the 02s. at the time I liked esoteric better, although it was not the 02 I was comparing it to.

Although I can not say I am familiar with it and can not give a more detailed or conclusive answer.
Thx for reply Eellii.
Another question - Do the 02s bring out the sound of the wood in string intruments or the leather or papery sound quality of the drums(I think this is the quality described as richness of tone colors in expert reviews)?
They are very resolving indeed. Lots of detail and textures. But I guess that also has a lot to do with the rest of the system.

For the 02s, they are the most detailed I have heard. But also very musical. Compared with the 03s, they have managed to increase resolution while keeping the nice musicality.

Specific to your question, yes, the strings sound fantastic, and you can actually hear all the intrinsic sounds to the diferent instruments in a way I have notmheard in other systems.

Now the drums I could not assure you if you can tell the diference in quality of paper or leather... I am not that familiar with drums, and maybe that is too much of a claim by whoever makes it, but not sure., since do not listen to that much music with drums. Although the other day did listen to a jazz trio and drums were fantastic.