Synergistic Research Tesla Plex SE V Furutech GTX

Anyone A/B'd recepticals between the Synergistic Research Tesla Plex SE and the new Furutech GTX-D(R)?.

Thoughts on individual also appriciated.

Thanks in advance.
I own the Wattgate, Oyaide R1, Teslaplex SE , Audience Maestro and a few others. To me the best I have tried is the Maestro. Very clear and defined quailty.
You should try to obtain one of them to compare to the Furutech GTX.
I would be very interested in the results.
I have the Maestro, Tesaplex and Teslaplex SE and had the Oyaide R1.
I found the Maestro very good, but recessed, without the low level resolution of the Furutech.
Oyaide sounds great initially, but moves the soundstage forward, foreshortens depth and lacks genuine musicality. The SRs were fuller-sounding, have great low-level detail and components sound the most dynamic from low bass to midrange.
The GTX is the most even sounding, dynamically, the most musical, with the least perspective on the orchestra (some recordings sound close up (e.g., Mercury Living Presence) and some distant (RCA Living Stereos).
These are all in my various dedicated circuits right now. I have around 8 dedicated circuits in the listening room.
Not to Forget to add also an other réceptacle from Hubbell
HBL5362w it only cost i would dare say 1/2 the price of the wattgate And the maestro And even better in all aspect "sound quality"very naturel...😉
I agree with Gbmcleod, I changed all of my wall outlets to the Furutech GTX silver.
I agree with Gbmcleod and Ozzy. I changed all of my wall outlets form Syngergistic SE's to Furutech GTX rhodium for the tubed front end and the GTX gold for my class D amps SMOOTH!