If I can afford one good cable, which component?

I'm vinyl only so it's either my LDR preamp or my Rogue Atlas amplifier. Phono stage is battery powered...

Your system is FAR from a mess! But what you've done takes considerable trial and error. I think * beginnng* with one manufacturer is a wise idea and to then adjust from there if one's ears tell one to. I think people get into trouble ( less than ideal results) when they start out with four different brands and then randomly switch out cords in an effort to fix what isn't working. Just my couple of Euros ( which are worth less each day)
I'll give you two American cents for your couple of euros. Do we have a deal?

Ouch! I'll have to get back to ya on that. Let's hope some adults get in charge before we're all back to trading rocks and rubbing sticks together for fire.
Euro will survive, no worries. As for "rubbing sticks together for fire", that's exactly what I wanted to do a month ago when the power over here was cut for a few days and it really got cold in the apartment.