Any advantages to bi-wiring speakers vs. single

Hi, I'm about to buy a Von Schwiekert VR 33 speaker pair after hearing them at RMAF. I can get single wire or biwire versions. Any advantage to bi-wire? Thanks.
My speakers are set up for bi-wire. May be more "lore than law" but per the manufacturer, bi-wire sounds better than straight wire. Who knows??? Could be hype. But as Ptm... said, also permit bi-amping as well. Most people seem to agree that properly set up bi-amping does improve the sound.
I have VonSchweikert VR4JRs and they sound MUCH better biwired than single wired. I spoke with Albert's son at RMAF and he recommended the biwire option which is about $200. extra. I'd do it if it were me.
As ptmconsulting suggests it does ope up several options for the future; you might want to ask VSA if bi-amping is an option with the bi-wire upgrade.
Biwreing may or maynot benefit since you're adding a reactance to crossover equation.
Biamping is what biwire terminals are for to benefit.
If you are not going to biamp then it is just a hassle to have biwire imho. Need biwire cables and some agrue you need true biwire cables or double runs for best sound. Others say jumpers are better and then you have to choose which jumpers sound best...

Opens up a lot of possible directions and results. Some like this others feel it is a hassle. If you like to tweak and mess with gear, then biwire is good. If not, then better without it.
I used to bi-wire my old MTM speakers. Why? because I had 2 sets of wire and the speaker had 2 sets of binding posts. Was it better than a single wire? Slightly, but not enough to spend tons of money on if you don't already have the wire.

Now I have Apogees and bi-wiring is mandatory. The difference is not even remotely subtle - it is huge.

So YMMV, but without the extra speaker posts you will never know, and as others have said, ask the manufacturer their opiniion.