Upgrade path the same for cables ?

Just as better equipment is put into the system, the sound is suppose to improve ( if all things are equal ).

Does the same thing apply with cables ?

What changes in a interconnect that costs $100 to one that costs $1000 or more ?
I've found as you spend more on cables, you definitely get more. Certainly not a linear relationship, but neither is it the case with components.

Like components, you get more detail, better sound staging, more air etc.

Of course system matching is very important, but done right spending more on cables can equal replacing a key component.
I can't guarantee if you spend 10x on speakers or amp you'll get an upgrade fighedabout cables LOL!

10x upgrade to house or condo certainly have much more linear relationship than audio!
I have replaced $1000 cables with $200 cables and gotten bettersound. As others have said very system dependent and also very subjective in what you are looking for in sound. I have found this to be true of all equipment
Aside from system matching, really good cable will sound good in any system. Also, some cables are very overpriced and some not. But very best cables are always expensive and they should be. I believe, it is just as difficult to design and build great cable as it is with components.
In my modest system DiMarzio interconnect is overall almost as good as Purist Audio at less than 20% the cost. In any case, when it comes to upgrades, cables or components, I advocate rare but big steps approach not often and small. And of course you spend more doing it, usually at least a double for used pieces.
Currently have :

Magnepan 2.7 qr's
Wyred 4 Sound st-500 mono
Lector Zoe Preamp
PS Audio phono pre
Technics sl-1200 w/ at 150 mlx
Acoustic Research IC's
Morrow Audio sp-3
Room treatments ( panels )

Would like to get more detail to come out.