AU24e Interconnects - but warmer

Hi Guys,

Wondering if anyone could assist on interconnect cable advice. I recently got some Audience Au24e interconnects (RCA) on Audiogon. Amazing levels of detail, openness and transparency, but with my listening (lots of female voices) it is just a bit too harsh on the upper mid / top end. Eveything else I love about this cable, but I can't live with it. I am using Paradigm Studio 100's v5 with a Marantz PM-15S2 Amp and SA-15S2 CDP. Speakers are quite forward in their character and I have wooden floors (hence needing some warmth). Any ideas on an interconenct that is a bit smoother (and max ~$400 second hand) but still gives good detail (which I love)? I was thinking something in the Cardas range (Microtwin - I have heard this is warm, but perhaps too?, Golden Cross etc?)

Thanks Guys!
The Au24e's are not bright - they are more neutral then the stock Au24 (which I have as a speaker cable and IC from CD to PRE) I have an e' from the Pre to my SS Amp.
The "e" is just more revealing of your equipment upstream.
Try throwing in a Nordost cable (Red Dawn, Baldur etc..) and see if you hear the same issue.
R. Levi likes WyWires better than the Au's. I've not heard the Au's but do own the WyWires. I agree with R. Levi - best ICs under $1k. No harshness here, and much cleaner/clearer than Cardas Golden Cross.
With the Studio 100 speakers you are always going to have some degree of brightness, recommend the Cardas Golden reference or Golden Cross cables