Rick Schultz`s new cable

hi guys
let me start by saying i don`t have any financial interest with Rick`s new cable.he is a great friend of mine from 8 plus years ago.i bought his first Virtual Dynamics cables and finally step all the way up to his Genesis power,interconnects and speaker cables.
about a year ago he was working on a prototype new interconnect for a great entry level price.i sold my Genesis interconnects and speaker cables.i was afraid if i was doing the right thing by selling.he told me that this new technology would blow away the heavy and hard to work with Genesis.
out of the box they were as good if not better than the Genesis.they just continued to get better.about 500 plus hours they were jaw dropping.the sound is very natural,soundstage is huge,it fills the room.everything is out front and powerful and dynamic.
the last time i had talked to him he was hoping to get things going some time in 2012.
in this hobby we are always looking to get our systems to some kind of musical nirvana.i think i have finaly found mine.
Happy Holidays to all
BTW doing this has been a good reminder for me as what my goal has been as a person in the high end community. Lots of companies in high end have closed up shop or had some sort of issue where folks might be left hanging. Anyone of you can always use that number or e-mail highendaudionut@gmail.com to get a hold of me for whatever you might need. I am not sure I can always help but I will try and if not I will point you in the right direction if I can. I am sure that's true about most everyone here however. So if you ever have issue from here on in don't hesitate to get ahold of me.
BTW there are at least three or four Rick Schultz's and or more variations in audio bussiness so keep that in mind I am speaking for this one :-) I have heard they all try real hard.
OK, hat's off to Rick (I have never met him or used or even heard any of his products). Posting his phone and email on this forum, wow! The ball is now in your court, Bi0Drainx.
Rick has got on his knees to ask for your forgivness,now we will see what kind of man you are.hopefully things will be settled then you can beat it.
Bi0drainx, you owe us a review of the new cabling if that is what comes to pass. It can be your second thread contribution to this community since joining in 2010....

I too saw his lack of history and find that unusual. Why would someone join a club and be a member for some 21 months without a post, a listing or a whisper. With no posting history from a reviewer as a guideline, I personally would have to dismiss any such comments from this individual or entity as a disguise . Tom