I'd recently bought an OPPO BDP-93 player and I would appreciate an HDMI cable recommendation. I use HDMI for both audio and video. Someone recommended a LAT International cable.
Look at the AudioQuest line. They offer a good quality cable at a good price, I am currently using a 5m length of Cinnimon. Also I have had good luck with Tributaries 9 Series. So may argue that a 10.00 cable provides the same results as a 100.00 cable and they may be right. But you may want to invest more as I did for personnal reasons.
I compared generic HDMI to Phillips $35 HDMI and the Phillips was clearly superiour with brighter colors and better contrast.

I think it would be worth the time to buy a few and see for yourself, you may find a cheaper brand is very good or find it is worth extra to spend $150 etc. you can always return the ones you do not want.
From entry level up to top of the line, AudioQuest has about 10 diff HDMI models, if you guys think HDMI cables are no diff from 1 to another, that means the engineering and the marketing folks just meeting up with donuts and coffee randomly pricing out their hdmi cables w/o going thru any critical design?
I recently bought one from Signal Cables and am very happy with it. I think it was around $40. I have had problems with ultra cheap HDMI cables. They are not all made the same, but you don't need to spend a bucket load to get great quality.