From what I can deduce about Shunyata, the Triton and the Talos both have the new compound (ZrCa-2000...or 2001! A Space Odyssey! Anyone care to join me on a trip to .....Talos?!) that Shunyata used to put in the power cables. I'm not surprised that more of the difference would show up using the conditioner: if it has the compound in it, it should lower the noise floor in the way the power cords used to do, without the side effect of the soft upper midrange and highs that Shunyata's early products had.
I found the Python's contribution quite a jump over the previous generation, but then, I've had all 4 generations of Shunyata's power co
rds, and even have had holdovers (buy the new ones, sell the old ones later so I can compare), so, for me, it's easy to hear the differences.
HOWEVER, I have the Andromedas and the Gemini (2nd generation speaker cables), and I found the Python speaker cables to be highly improved over the older generations. Still, there ARE some things that account for hearing/not hearing differences, the most important one (besides electricity) being the room itself.
Now, I've had tube traps since 1988 and I know how to set them up extremely well, so I know that nothing in my room is preventing me from hearing the subtlest detail of which my current system is capable. Perhaps that's why I heard more of the improvement.
On the OTHER hand, maybe your Kimber was just really, really good with the WBT connectors. I've found they make a major difference in sonics. Were the demos completely broken in? And has the sound improved since you posted this? Inquiring minds want to know!
I intend to get a Talos eventually -- I prefer to audition things first and then decide. I loved the speaker cables, BUT I thought they were far enough ahead of my CX cables that the CX cables would be "masking" some of the sound since the Python is newer technology.
May I ask what the Telwire is?! I'm not familiar with it. Where is it placed within your system?