Power cord feeding a power conditioner/regenerator

I am waiting for my Purepower APS 3000 to be delivered; it comes (it's the european version; I am from Italy) with a stock power cord with 20A IEC, so I can't use my power cords (Cardas Golden Reference) to evaluate how do they work on the power regenerator in comparison to the stock one.

I should buy a new cable with 20A IEC, or do it by myself buying a piece of a brand cable and the right connectors (Furutech, Oyaide, Wattgate).

Any experience, before I make an useless buy?


Hi Emanuele,

It should be fairly straightforward to have someone reterminate your existing powercable to fit a 20A IEC. If you like your existing Cardas Golden Ref (you should...i have heard they are top class)...then you may wish to ask your local dealer for a recommendation of a simple engineer/tech to reterminate. It should not cost very much...other than the cost of the Furutech 20A IEC outlet and then the labor to reterminate (sometimes they do it for free).

Good luck.
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Hi, I would suggest you get the Shunyata adapter plugs. They are retailing at around $100/pc (tight/firm grip, and of highest audiophile quality). Available both ways (two versions), the 15>20A conversion, and 20>15A ones.

I had similar problem as all ARC equipments are 20Amps IEC equipped, and the last thing I want to do is temper with original factory terminations of my existing PCs. Further, I still swap cables around from time to time which makes fixed re-termination not viable.

Using these, you are then free to try/use any PCs you wish. Also, there is no degradation in sound quality that I can hear/detect of by using these well made plugs.

Hope this helps.