will different lengths affect sound

Just trying to gather some opinins on this. Will different lengths of the same speaker cable adversely affect the sound and timing of the source material?
>>12-07-11: Inna
Of course they will<<


You will not hear a difference unless, as Kal says, there is very large difference.

A few years ago at CES AJ Conti of Basis Audio connected one speaker with 6' of cable and another with 75' of cable. Not a single attendee could identify which speaker had the longer length.
No, but you might imagine they will--which, if you have a good imagination, will make the difference real!
If you believe that one speaker cable has different sound from another then this sonic signature will be proportional to the length of the cable. Sonic difference will be very small and you can probably convince yourself that there is or isn't any difference - becomes issue of faith. Take into consideration that it is more difficult to sell uneven cables.
Audiofeil, And not a single attendee was familiar with the system you mentioned, including AJ Conti.