Shunyata Diamondback PC with Wattgate connectors

Has anyone tried replacing the diamonback power cord generic connectors with Wattgate/Marinco I know that shunyata doesn't start using better connectors on anything less than the Copperhead. I have two Diamonbacks that I want to use on a PANAMAX MAX 5510-PRO conditioner and an OPPO BDP-93 Blu Ray. I'd appreciate your inputs and advise.

The original connectors are indeed very good - a much better fit than some marincos I've had on crystal cables.

However, the diamondbacks are very prone to oxidation especially the earlier ones and removing the moulded connectors isn't going to help matters. I have both diamondbacks with the old and new connectors and both cables have turned into a green snake. Zero resale value, I hope you're reading this Grant.
Grant: The male plug on the Venom 3 appears to be plated. Can you tell us what the plating material is and if the IEC is plated as well?
Weird ... always thought that the Shunyata Taipan Alpha was in fact a Diamondback with a better AC and IEC plugs ?


There was an early batch of Diamondbacks that had an issue with a porous outer jacket material--not connectors. In more humid conditions this affected the plated copper shield and turned the color of the shield to green. Though it did not affect performance we replaced all models that were reported to us with the newer versions that have not have that issue. We informed our dealers of this replacement offer and I also posted it here about 2 to 3 years ago. I am not sure we have 15A Platinum models left since they have been discontinued for some time, but if you contact us I'll see what can be done.

The Taipan Alpha was a larger 10awg. power cord and had each of its three conductors individually shielded, whereas the Diamondbacks were 12 gauge and had a single shield. We discovered a large leftover spool of Taipan Alpha wire a year or two ago and have been using that to make the current Copperhead model.

For those with questions please send them to us offline. I only drop in here occasionally and do not see all that gets posted due to my travel schedule. I try to keep participation here to simple corrections or clarifications.


Shunyata Research