Power Cord brands mixing. "Your Opinions"

I have the following brand power cables and would like opinions.
1) LAT International AC-2 from Marantz DV9600 to Panamax MAX 5510-PRO.
2) Nordost Vishnu from Anthem AVM 50 to Panamax.
3) LAT International AC-2 MKII from BAT VK-6200 AMP to wall.
4) Shunyata Diamondback from OPPO BDP-93 Bluray to Panamax.
5) Shunyata Diamondback from Panamax MAX 5510-PRO to Wall Ps Audio socket.

Please take a look at the loom and tell me what you guys think.

Al...I was specifically referring to power cables in my comments. There is not a doubt in my mind that most brands of power cords have a sonic character...regardless of what piece of gear they are powering. I do understand that if you approach this from a purely analytic perspective vs one of application, that may be hard to fathom but I am certain of this.

I'm sure it is hard to take some idiot's post on a forum (me) as gospel on the matter but if you search through the vast amount of information on this forum and many others like it you will find very consistent description of how some of the more popular cables sound. Just search Nordost Valhalla for example....I would guess many readers of this post could tell you before you get to the results what they will say. Why?
Thanks Richard. In your case I understood that you were referring to power cords, as you were very explicit. But while I certainly don't question your sincerity or your sonic perceptiveness, and I have considerable respect for your breadth of experience, it remains unfathomable to me that your findings would have consistent applicability across different systems.


Best regards,
-- Al
Thanks for the kind words Al. Agree or disagree, always a class gentleman.

Not to beat an already weary horse but if you read through others experience, you will find the same character describing certain brands of cords. So beyond my personal experience, it seems others are hearing the very same things. Many others.

I think you are a guy that needs to understand the "why" of it which is a tough one in this case. I'd bet there are different reasons and it would be challenging to understand them all. The scientific reason Tara cables sound darker and Nordost sound bright and lean may be very different but ask a sample of guys who have a lot of experience with those cables and you'd hear those same words over and over and over...all folks with different systems.

01-05-12: Almarg
A number of posts by several people in the recent part of this thread, while being well expressed, seem to be using the word "cables" in a loose manner that leaves me wondering if we are still discussing the original question, which relates specifically to power cords.

Good point. Use of "cables" steered my thinking in the direction of interconnects, early in the thread. Before optional power cords existed, interconnects were referred to as cables, at least in my group of audio friends.
My comments are applicable to the following cables - power, IC, digital and speaker.

Al, I urge you to get past your doubt and try some aftermarket power cords on your other equipment; I believe your experience would be much more enjoyable.