An Introduction to new member

Hello everyone,

I am Annalisa Viviana.I am newbie here. I have joined this forum today and i am very excited to share some ideas and gain knowledge from here.

With regards
Annalisa Viviana
Welcome to AudiogoN, Annalisa! We're all crazy on this bus, so be careful :-)
Welcome aboard!

Yes, indeed, what Mofimadness said is most assuredly true: Plenty of crazies and craziness around these parts.

That said, I've learned a ton from reading these fora. In addition to the wackiness, which, of course, is part of the fun, there are folks who are very, very knowledgable and who are quite generous with their time.

You want answers to questions? You want opinions about equipment and music and technical details beyond almost anyone's comprehension? You want fun? You'll find all of that -- and so much more -- here.

Oh, yeah, and you can buy and sell stuff like crazy, too.

Welcome. Enjoy the ride.

-- Howard