Synergistic Research - NEW Element Cables

Hello guys and gals, has anyone tried the NEW Element speaker cables and interconnects with their universal speaker and interconnect cells.

I'm trying to get demo's now from Synergistic or The Cable Company AND as soon as I do; I will have a review up.

Happy New Year!
In my system and too my ears, the SR Element Tungsten cables didn't work out. They throw a huge soundstage and do many impressive things but regardless of which tuning bullets I used, my system became slightly fatiguing with long-term listening.
I can see the appeal of the sound and in a different system and room I might actually love it.
The stock MPC is forward in its overall sound but Michaels modded MPC eliminated that on my PC; much more relaxed, much wider/deeper soundstage, more air and more refinement...
They are system dependent my friends cary preamp the element tungsten is best, but in my music reference rm-5 element copper power cords are best.
I'm using the Tungsten PC on my Modwright Sony 5400 CD Player and it excells there along with the modded MPC.
Wig, The Sony Modwright 5400 has two power cords to power the CD playback system. One for the PS 9 power supply that powers certain components of the CD player and the other PC directly on the Sony 5400 unit itself. So where are you using the Tungsten PC? And why to you like it where you are using it and have you ever have switched it to the other power supply. Modwright suggests to use the best power cord you have on the PS 9 power supply unit first. I did and noticed the better cord benefited the entire system while on the PS 9 power supply and a cheapest cable I have worked best on the Sony 5400 unit itself.

Thanks, Joe