Speaker cable recommendations please

Starting to think about what will replace my AQ Rockefellers. I feel like these are now possibly my weakest link.

Amplifier is the Ayre AX-7e, speakers are Amphion Argon.

I guess I like what many others do: excellent detail retrieval, tight punchy bass, realistic mids on the warm-ish side, non-fatiguing highs. Overall I prefer clarity/neutrality/detail over warmth.

Budget would be up to 1000, for used.

At some point I may give the anti-cables a trial run, just to gauge the hype. I don't see how these wouldn't be a downgrade though given the cost difference against what I have now. Who knows....?
Clear Day Cables double shotguns are $450 delivered with a 30 day free trial. These cables changed my life. So amazing in their clarity and balance, and they allow music to play through them with a holographic sound stage. You cannot go wrong trying these cables. They are my best system upgrade to date at a fraction of the cost of other upgrades, including speaker cables. These cables should cost three times what Paul charges for them.
01-21-12: Snackeyp
These cables changed my life.

In what way did speaker cables change your life? Just curious, this stuff amazes me.
More accurately, they changed the sound of my system so dramatically for the better that I would classify them as creating an epiphany in my audiophile evolution.
01-22-12: Snackeyp
More accurately, they changed the sound of my system so dramatically for the better that I would classify them as creating an epiphany in my audiophile evolution.

Well, that's a lot different than changing your life, I think !!!!