Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword

Both these speaker cables get consistently great reviews, and they're in a similar price range.

Can anyone speak to the (in general) differences between them, strenghts weaknesses etc?
Listening to loud music is like trying to dodge a bullet when the air is full of lead. Eventually it catches up with most people. It just takes time. Hearing damage due to listening to loud music is cumulative and has been scientifically shown to be irreversible. I'm not outta here. IMHO.
If I could delete a thread I created, I would have nuked this days ago. Thanks all for helping answer a sincere inquiryI mistakenly posed to a user community I thought would engage enthusiastically in helping a noob, but instead decided it's more important to prove who can piss furthest. Yes, I know there's no "best"; yes, I know everything is system dependent YMMV; yes, I know price is somewhat irrelevant; and yes, I still thought folks might be able to provide their -- subjective -- opinions on the comparative qualities of these cables. At least I know better than to waste my time again in the future. Bravo.
Ya got a great sense of humor. Don't give up so easy. You can't compare Supra with the better SR cables. That's the short answer. You may not like to hear it but that's the truth. If you want to go for the Supras then go for them. In a high end system -- forget about them. You can go to The Cable Company and audition SR. IMHO.
Figured that the LOL crowd would finally make it to the thread. I wonder what took so long?