Advice on new cables

Hello, everyone
I am looking for your recommendations on speaker cables and IC's for the following system:

1. Accuphase dp67 cd player;
2. Audio Research Reference 3 preamp;
3. Onkyo M510 Grand Integra power amp;
4. Proac Response 4 speakers.

Currently using MIT for all cables. The music I listen to is mixed: jazz, classical, rock, blues. I can't detect anything wrong with the current cabling, except that my concern is that the current cables are limiting the potential of my components.
MIT makes good cables. Enjoy what you have. Spend the money on software. You are chasing your tail.
I kind of agree with Tom6897, but if you have the time and interest why not contact one of those cable library companies? They will keep sending you cables to try until you find on that you like.