Your jaw dropping cables


Did you have any jaw dropping experience with any type of cable? Please refer to the cable and its predecessor (and I'm not referring just to VFM - also expensive ones count).
I'm still curious how one "hears" any cable? Sure each cable will have it's own sound impression but it's so difficult to actually pinpoint the difference and then quantify.
Cables are no different than other components, and make as much of a difference as source or an amplifier.
I posted something last night but apparently it didn't take. As Branislav said, "Cables are no different than any other component". Or rooms for that matter. You can put the same system in three different rooms with their own sonic signature and get three different sounds.
Jcote: I disagree. Everything in a system has a signature and an effect on what you hear. Not just speakers, amps etc...but cables, vibration platforms and even rooms. Every single thing in a system AND the room it's in, has a sonic signature. You could even take a complete system, equipment cables and all, and put it in three different rooms and likely get three different sounds. Swapping cables is no different.
JPS Labs Aluminata IC's, JPS Labs Kaptovator Power Cables, PS Audio AC12 Power Cables.