New Virus starting to run wild

They were addressed as "Happy New Year" and contained the following virus: W32.Maldal.C@mm

Be alert, as i typically see virus' at the very beginning of when they start to REALLY get into circulation. I know that this one has been floating around for about a week now, but receiving four of them in one day tells me that Maldal is now "on the loose".

You might want to drop by the link below. It is Symantec / Norton and fills you in on the various virus' that they have recently detected. If you have a virus scanner, you REALLY do need to update it QUITE often. It almost seems as if there are new virus' every two or three days now. Updating your version of "Windows" on a regular basis is also HIGHLY recommended.

If you don't have a virus scanner, you can look at the most recent batch of released information every once in a while under their individual names. In the section labeled "distribution", you can find out the BASIC name that is typically shown in the Email subject line. Keep in mind that some of these virus actually "morph" as they evolve and can change things to better hide themselves. This will at least tell you what to avoid and make you more aware of what is currently circulating. The bottom line is that you HAVE to be cautious nowadays.
Thanks Sean. I updated my Norton this am.; do you know if Norton had a fix available then?
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Norton had a fix for this one on 12/19, so you should be good. I was working on installing a new puter and i'm finally done. Now all i have to do is clean up the rest of the room : ( Sean
Swampwalker...I did a live update late tonight (12/26/01), and this virus family was listed. FYI open the Norton Control Box, click on "Reports" next click on the list of viruses that Norton is protecting you against, click on "view report", then "find", and you can see if the virus that you're interested in, is being protected against. MAKE SURE THAT BOTH THE INNOCULATION AND E-MAIL SCREENING ARE ENABLED! TRUST ME, I LEARNED THE HARD WAY! Happy Tunes!