Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...

Hi, I have a few Shunyata CX powercords (anaconda cx and king cobra cx). Has anyone done a detailed comparison? What are your thoughts as to the differences?

I did just replace my Hydra vray II with a Hydra Triton, and that was a nice improvement, in clarity, naturalness, ease and dynamics. It was one of those upgrades that once it goes in...wasn't even worth going back to compare...

Thanks in advance

I have not heard the ZTron AC cables, but from what I have read here and there the ZTron adds a very fast transient "jump factor" to the sound and at least one person felt they exceeded the CX series.

For me, it does not matter. I love the combination CX King Cobra/Anaconda AC cables throughout my system coupled with the ZTron Anaconda signal/speaker cables and Python ZTron XLR digital cable.

I have noted, also, on Audiogon that nobody seems to be selling their CX AC cables so that tells me something.

Frankly, I adore my CX AC cables and plan on having them stay with me for a very long time.



Yeah, that is the tough part of dealing with these cables with tubes. Of course, you could procure a Cable Cooker but that is not very inexpensive, either.

I lust after the Audio Research Reference 5 SE, but alas, will not enter my system until a long time. The Shunyata's set me back a lot for a long time.


The main sources are Music Direct and the Cable Company. I use Galen Carol Audio. Galen's a straight shooter. I'm sure others have their favorites.
I think like all components of the audio chain they are system dependent and more importantly listener preferences.

I've compared the Cobra ztron with the Python cx and the Anaconda cx with the Python ztron. I preferred the cx combination. In my system the Cobra was indeed faster, livelier, but lost body and bass. Soundstage narrowed and presentation became forward. The difference of the cobra with Python cx is very evident from the start. Comparing Python ztron to the Anaconda cx I found the ztron to sound bigger, more bass and body but slower. Bass is not as tight as Anaconda but soundstage wider and deeper. Overall slightly darker sounding. I heard more details with the Anaconda.

I say system dependent because I use cx all the way from source to amps so that may have contributed to the presentation I heard. If I compared the all cx system with an all ztron system perhaps my findings will be different.

Which ones are better? Who knows. Only you can decide what kind of presentation you like.
If you guys want to burn in your power cables just buy one of the adapter cables Shunyata sells and hook it up to your refrigerator for 24/7 high current cable break-in. Or this for way less $: