banana plugs or not?

do banana plugs give better connection than simply wrapping speaker wire around terminals? thinking of buying monster banana plugs from amazon. and how about power cords, whats more important, upgrading amp or component power cords?
Hard-wired is the best, yet impractical. The fewer connection points the better. Bare wire not so good with silver or other exotic metals.
If you decide to go with bananas, the AudioQuest BFA bananas are easy to install on your wire with a dual set screw connection particularly if you have thick wire like my Kimber 8TC. They are much nicer than the Monsters-I have had both. My local Best Buy had the AQ's in stock in the Magnolia section.
BFA definitely. I use them on the amp side of the speaker cable. Replaced the spaded. Feels more secure and I "more connected" to the amp.