At last I compared transports as well. I did the test without upsampling by using d02 dac and with short delay filter 1, clock was G0rb.
P02 sounded more open, vocals breathed outside the speakers more and overall there was slightly more detail with cds compared to p01 vu. P01 vu was a bit darker. On the other hand p02 sounded a bit leaner with less body and it was slightly forward overall. This forward presentation projected vocals more in to the room. P02 was revealing a bit more in the upper mid and treble.
The new transport during loud passages was able to separate voices a bit more than the p01 vu. As for the sacds the difference was smaller.
Also p02 has the advantage to upsample to DXD (354khz or 8x)or 48bit which I didnt test.
P02 sounded more open, vocals breathed outside the speakers more and overall there was slightly more detail with cds compared to p01 vu. P01 vu was a bit darker. On the other hand p02 sounded a bit leaner with less body and it was slightly forward overall. This forward presentation projected vocals more in to the room. P02 was revealing a bit more in the upper mid and treble.
The new transport during loud passages was able to separate voices a bit more than the p01 vu. As for the sacds the difference was smaller.
Also p02 has the advantage to upsample to DXD (354khz or 8x)or 48bit which I didnt test.