04-05-12: 2chnlbenHi Ben,
I want to use each "braided pair" (one complete run of the 4tc) per speaker terminal (2 runs - one to each of the top/bottom positives, and 2 runs - one to each of the top/bottom negatives).
Thanks very much for the nice words.
What you are describing is not what I was interpreting your original post to mean. And I wouldn't recommend doing what you are now describing. If you use all of the conduction paths within a single cable to carry just one polarity of the signal (+ or -), you are essentially redesigning the cable to have very different characteristics than what it was designed to provide. Inductance will increase considerably. Also, the effect that Kijanki described about noise being picked up and entering the feedback loop of the amplifier, if it has one, becomes a significantly greater possibility. Capacitance will be reduced, but capacitance is relatively unimportant for a speaker cable as long as it is not extremely high. Twisting with another cable carrying the opposite polarity will reduce the magnitude of the increase in inductance, and the likelihood of noise-related issues, but just somewhat.
Best regards,
-- Al