suggestions--power cords

Running Conrad Johnson ET 250 S and ET 5 with Vandersteen Quatros--currently, Mccormick DP 2 for CDs---finding issues with getting sound I like---running my Kimber Palladian to the Pre--which seems to work great--but as for the 250 S----have tried numerous combinations---Shunyata Python, Cardas Golden Reference, ---focus is good, but sound and stage is muted. Ideas? Also, could use a good reference for power cord for Mccormack---another Kimber for the 250S? Any and all input from people with similar equipment very much appreciated.
Thanks Chuck,
I will look into these too. Good power cords do make a HUGE difference in a system.
Ghost, I wouldn't mind checking out the Acoustic Zen as well.
Nordost Valhalla PC's are top notch if you can swing them; also LessLoss Sig's are right on their tail, so to speak.

Valhalla is phenomenal Neal, but quite the price tag too. Anyone try Cardas' power cables? Thoughts?
I have found Mojo Audio's Enigma to sound phenomenal with my digital source (PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC and Transport). Definitely worth demo'ing with your McCormack. I also like Fusion Audio Enchanter on my power amp.