PurePower APS power cord

PurePower APS users, do you see any improvement using an aftermarket power cord to supply power to the PurePower unit? It's an AC regenerator, so I'm wondering if a nice cord upfront would make any difference.

I am considering buying a PurePower+ 2000 unit. Thanks.
Your thread is an odd coincidence. I have the 1050 that I bought used a couple years ago. For most of that time I've used an after market cord on it; one of those big thick monsters. Decided I wanted to change things up. I had lost track of the stock cord power cord, so I emailed Purepower and they sent me a stock cord at no charge! I received it 3 days ago. (cudos to Purepower) Since installing the stock cord and taking out the after market cord, the speakers are playing with a renewed weightier sound. So, somehow the aftermarket power cord had a negative impact on the 1050 and my overall system performance. This is in my system of course. Your results could be different. Purepower used to recommend simply using the stock power cord. I don't know if that is still their stance or not. Other owners have sometimes reported positive differences by using after market pc's on their unit. You may have to go through trial and error comparing the stock power cord to a few after market cords and listen for a while to learn if you hear any differences. If you get the 2000, I would recommend allowing time for the stock power cord to play with the unit until you are sure the sound of your system is stable. This will establish a baseline for performance. Then if you choose, insert an after market power cord on the 2000, give it some time, and compare the sound before and after the after market power cord. Good luck.

The Elrod Statement Gold power cord on my PurePower 2000 made a huge improvement over the stock cord: Improved macro and micro-dynamics; greater resolution and fullness; tighter and more powerful bass; better soundstage and imaging; improved coherence and refinement; enhanced musicality and enjoyment.

The Elrod Statement Gold power cord on my PurePower 2000 made a huge improvement over the stock cord: Improved macro and micro-dynamics; greater resolution and fullness; tighter and more powerful bass; better soundstage and imaging; improved coherence and refinement; enhanced musicality and enjoyment.