HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi
One thing I have noticed in the Hidiamonds is that the sound is really layed back as opposed to my S.R that sounded very forward....

The HD cables are very natural sounding and doesn't hinder PRAT, they excell in delineation of instruments and acoustics spaces; music just sounds more complete with HD.
I just added another HiDiamond Power 3 power cord to my system. With each one I add there are further improvements to the sound.
Wig and Bacardi,
What I am noticing with the HD Power 3 power cords is the total naturalness of the sound stage. In my system there is a continuity to the sound stage that was unobtainable with even the top Synergistic Research power cords that I have had in my system that were a heck of a lot more expensive than the Power 3. The imaging is precise and not in your face at all with the Power 3, a bit laid back (but not unnaturally so) as though you were at a performance.

I am listening to a lot of excellent CD remasters lately. I have been collecting the best quality recordings that I can find -- everything from solo lute and piano to chamber music to concertos to symphonic music. What I am hearing with the Power 3 cords in my system (I am fully loomed) is what I would term "performance-grade" -- like being there. These cables are uncanny in what they do. I have not exaggerated anything in my descriptions over the months here. Others have come back to the forums and verified that my descriptions of the Power 3 and other HiDiamond cables are very accurate.
I bought 2 HD Power 3 for my Vac Sig MKIIa pre and PS Audio PWD MKII Dac and now I have a total of 4 ... 2 additional for my mono amps. The sound do improves with each additional PC and performance well exceeds it's price.

BTW, Robert provided excellent service with very fast shipping.