HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi
Hello and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! to all the Hidiamond people and families and Robert Neill at Worldwide Wholesales....CHEERS:)....
@Fplanner2000, have your P4's fully broken in and how is your sound with them in your system and the S.R's out. Is your whole system set with HD now?
B- P-4s are a good 4-500 hours to be fully broken in - it will be at least several months before I'm there. Right now, I have P-4 power cords on everything 2-channel except the preamp, which has a P-3 and the sub, which is still SR. Hard to do a direct SR comparison because I now have PS Audio P-10s whereas before I just had an SR powercell(aka "0 protection"). I do know that every time I swapped a Hi DIamond for a SR pc, the sound "improved". By that I mean - more open, more realistic, more micro detail, much quieter and better dynamic range. System has gotten more resolving and definitely more enjoyable to listen to, as it seems to get a bit better every day. It seems like the amps and speaker mods have finally fully broken in(since August), allowing me to really hear the differences in the cable comparisons.

Still running SR Apex spkr cables and Galileo spkr Cells, as well as SR Prec Ref xlrs between Preamp and amps. Also SR Reference sub ics. Next will try either High Fidelity xlrs or Hi Diamond 3 xlrs between pre and amps. Curious if others have tried the 3xlrs yet in place of SR?
Try running them on a small freezer for three weeks or so and you'll hear what they are capable of but 700 hrs should complete the process.
I just recieved my Powercord 4. I put it on my Audiodharma cable cooker for about 4-5 days before trying it.
With only one powercord 4 should I use it on my Audience powering my digital equipment or the Audience powering my analog equipment?