Does anyone answer e-mail? Hello?

I'm new to AudiogoN, having signed on to facilitate purchasing some equipment to round out a couple of my systems, as well as partake of all the experience others have. Out of the last 13 e-mails I have sent to sellers inquiring about their components for sale, exactly TWO have responded. Is this the norm for this board? If so, I'm better off on e-bay. I'm very disappointed to find that noone seems very interested in selling the equipment they list. Has this been anyone else's experience, or am I missing something here?
Sometimes, I won't bother answering if the e-mail is just from a "tire kicker" [low baller...usually asking for 30%-40% off my asking price...and THEN asking me to pick up shipping AND COD charges!!! Usually, this is on a relatively inexpensive item ($200 to $500 where my asking price is already 50% off list!!!] Usually, the magic words, "I'm very interested in your..." are missing. Instead the e-mail is very short, like "Would you take $500 for your 2 meter Nordost Quattro-fil including shipping?" NOBODY wants to pay asking or even firm price, but hey, let's be realistic about trying to get a discount! I'm not implying that this refers to you; this is just a sore spot with me. Also, Jameswei makes a valid point about the holiday/C.E.S. show season making e-mails slow or lost. Don't be discouraged. I became a member about 6 months ago. My first two attempts at selling involved dealing with two "nut cases" and I almost gave up on Agon. Since then, I've had some minor frustrations, but all in all, this is a pretty comfortable home for us audio addicts! Happy Tunes!
Vdub- welcome aboard. I would say your success rate is way too low to be chance. I get a response to at least 75% of my offers, but it is true that lowball offers are often not answered. However, to give you an example, I saw a pair of cables I wanted to try this am, made an offer, it was accepted and I sent off a money order before noon. Now that's not standard, but its not totally outside my experience here either, over the last 3 years. E-bay is a real mixed bag; some fine transactions, but lots of folks are just trolling for a "bigger fool" who unwittingly pays WAY TOO MUCH for an item (have seen used speakers with some described damage selling for 75% of list!!!). hang in there buddy.
Vdub-First of all cool name(I am a fellow dubber;). I would say close to 95% of my emails get returned from audiogon, though I have sold some things and low ballers are just plain annoying-sure everyone wants a good deal, but I got 14 emails in 3 hours and 12 of them where as stated above asking for it dirt cheap with shipping included.

Fatparrot-Hey thats a low blow, Tire Kickers? come no now have a heart! I'll feed my parrot some crackers soaked in anti-freeze! j/k.
Take the time and have the courtesy to answer all.
Dont ignore what you percieve as a low ball.
Answer them back with what it will take.
If you dont want lowball offers list your price as firm and state it.
You never offer what someone is asking.If you do you have more money than sense.
Get off your high horse's.
I must admit that with two exceptions everyone I have e-mailed has responded. As long as we treat each other with respect everything goes OK.
