HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi
Paz307 , I agree with you once I replaced the SR power cord with the HiDiamond I remember it being a big upgrade.

But hold on to your senses and check book...
Once I removed my SR Powercell and replaced it with a couple of Audience Ar2p-TO units one on each dedicated circuit and a PS Audio P10 plugged into one of the Audience units on my front end sources, I couldn't believe how much better the sound quality became. If you shop wisely you can get all of these for the price of a Powercell. And no more little mini couplers to deal with.
Paz307, Re your experience with the p4, if you were going to insert only one p4 into a system with the powercell, would you put it on the powercell or would you put it on one of the components?
Owenlee, sorry for the delay, I were having a very good vacations in the beautiful state of Tennessee.

In my experience I have found that if you have a very detailed dac or source that the power cord can affect them the most. I believe that by adding the P4 to the Powercell made such a huge difference because I completed the HiDiamond chain or complete loom. You really do not realize how good the HIDiamond cables are until you try and take them out. I had tried several times to go back to my previous reference cables for a listen and it is a disaster every time. I have now sold all my previous so called reference cables and have no interest in playing the cable game anymore. I will need 1 more P4 when my master clock arrives and post on that experience but as cables go, this manufacturer is the best I have used in my system.
Ozzy, off topic re HD power cords but have you tried plugged everything into that P10?
Worldwide Wholesales would like to announce that HiDiamond Cables will be at the TAVES audio show in Toronto Canada from Nov 1 - 3 2013 in the Parklane room.

Cheers and see you there.