HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi

I agreed with your findings... all of them. I too ended up with 3 P3s and a TWL (8+) in my rig and found that to be the happy medium.

I found P3s all around did have some dryness in my rig that I didn't enjoy, but I loved having them on my amps and pre.

The P3s are nice and better than most of whats out there in that range.
@Highstream, just going to key in...Do you have a P4 power cord or have u tried one?
@Bacardi, four P3s in the desktop system, along with a D8 pair.

In terms of presentation, i.e., sense of presence and tonality, are the P4s more refined - cleaner, more delicate, instruments more palpable - than the P3s? I assume the P4 is more in terms of various aspects of staging, but after playing around with some demo Sablon cables, I'm more curious about more central aspects of its presentation (at least to me).
Of course it is, but how so? Is the P4 just a whole lot better of the same or are there some differences in tonality/timbre, sense of presence and such, i.e., in its central defining character? I don't have any idea, but was wondering if the P3 is jacked up in terms of sense of presence to appeal to a certain price point, where the P4 tones things down a bit as part of its refinement.